Show on Map
The Show on Map functionality allows you to select a sub-set of vehicles from the Vehicle Summary list, and then display the selected vehicles on a separate map. Using FleetOutlook’s route progress capability, you can display a vehicle’s actual route and assigned TechDirect work order locations.
Note: The Show Map button is inactive until at least one vehicle’s check box is selected.
With this capability, a dispatcher can:
• Compare the driver’s location with remaining work orders in the queue and estimate an arrival time for a future work order.
• Compare the driver’s actual route taken with completed work orders to determine if the driver deviated significantly from an expected reasonable path between the work orders (i.e. took a potential side trip to an unauthorized location).
• Compare a driver’s remaining work orders with the locations of other vehicles to determine if you can reassign work orders to closer vehicles.
To Show Vehicles on a Map:
1. Select the corresponding check box for each vehicle to display on the map.
2. Click the Show on Map button.
• The Tracking Map displays with the map displayed on the left, and the Vehicle List displayed on the right.
3. To see the breadcrumb route, check the Actual check box.
4. To see TechDirect work order locations, select the Planned check box.
• The Planned functionality is only beneficial to customers utilizing the TechDirect module.
• The color of each TechDirect work order location indicates the status.
• For maps with multiple vehicles displayed, the route and TechDirect work order locations are shown for the vehicle selected from the Vehicle List.